Amythest’s Quest

Jemma Rosewater
14 min readMay 14, 2021


My name is Amythest and I am 17. I was created by scientists who used. remains of alien DNA from a space rock that they found on Mars. I live at a science laboratory run by NASA and SETI. Doctors and scientists have been studying. me my whole life to try and figure Out what planet I come from and learn more about my species. The main things that the scientists have learned about me is that I posses strange magical powers, turn into a mermaid when I get wet, and can not see. As I have grown up the doctors have learned that my intelligence is at least the same as most humans if not highier. Every day doctors run tests on me to try to find out more my body and brain. This morning a doctor named Emily came to my room. Emily told me that she wanted to do some tests to learn more about my magical powers. The doctor hooks up a bunch of electrodes all over my body and head. First I would like to see you levitate the doctor says to me.

. I imagaine myself floating above the ground and feel my feet leave the floor. Good the doctor tells me, now float over to where I am standing, follow the sound of my voice. I focus my attention on her voice and imagaine it getting closer I feel my body glide through the air and stop in front of the doctor. Dr. Emily puts a cup in my hand, now try to set the cup down gently on the floor without moving your body. I imagine the cup leaving my hand and landing softly on the ground. I feel the cup leave my hand and a quiet tap as it lands on the floor. Thank you Amythest, that will be all for now Dr. Emily says. Shortly after the doctor leaves my nurse Lilly comes in my room. There is something important that I have been needing to talk to you about and since you don’t you lessons today I thought it would be a good time, Lilly said. Ok, what is it I ask her? Lilly takes a deep breath, you know how your whole life the scientist you been doing different experiments on you to help them learn more about extraterestrail life? Yes what about it I say? Well when you turn 18 the scientists will make a clone of you because they want to do some experiments that might kill you. They have not done anything deadly so far because right now they only have one of you so they want to keep you alive, but once they have a clone of you it doesn’t matter to them if you die.

. They wanted to clone you when you where a baby, but I convinced them to wait until you turned 18. My hope was that it would give me enough time to try to help you escape. For a moment everything is silent, I try to process what she just told me, clone die escape? Why didn’t you tell me this before Lilly? I’m sorry I should have told you but I didn’t know how to tell you when you were younger, Lilly said. So what should we do now I ask her? Well your 17 now so we have about a year to get you out of here, but you can’t hide anywhere on earth because the whole planet will be looking for you. We are going to have to find your home planet it’s the only way that you will be safe. How are we supposed to find out what planet I am from never mind figure out a way to get there, the scientists have not even figured that out yet. Exactly they have Lilly said, they just have not told you because they wanted. you to be. ‘ compliant, I have been spying on the scientists and they seem to think that you are actually from a paralel universe. called the Jewl universe. The problem is that the only way to get there is through a wormhole.

. Currently wormholes only exist in theory Lilly said. If they only exist in theory ,then how are will supposed to get to one? We can’t Lilly says, we will have to create one. I have been doing a lot of research on wormholes and I think I have an idea on how we could possibly make one, but we will need to use the huge lab in the basement. Let’s go now, as the scientists are all in a confrence and. won’t notice us. Lilly and I exit my room, I am flying behind her and generating a large electromagnetic field from my nervous system which bounces off of the electromagnetic fields of the objects and surfaces which I am able to feel and use to create a mental image of my surrondings that I can use to navigate. I am a little bit curious as I have never been to the lab before, as it is off limits. Lilly and I have nearly reached the elevator when my electromagnetic field senses a strange presence. I pause in the air “wait I think that someone is in that room, I am picking up on something similar to a human presennce” I say. That’s strange no one should be here all of the mantaince people are on break and the scientists are all in a confrence Lilly says. “Well it’s odd because it feels human but at the same time different” I say. “We should probably go check it out then” Lilly says.

. Lilly opens the door and the human like presence that I was sensing before gets even stronger. “who are you” a girl’s voice says. My name is Amythest and this is my nurse Lilly I say, who are you? My name is Sapphire, the girl says. What are you doing here I ask Sapphire? This is my bedroom I live here, Sapphire says. What are you doing here Sapphire asks me? Well I live in this building because I was created from DNA from a marsan rock. “I live here too” Sapphire says. “I have a electronic computer brain except I have a human amigdala. I also have robotic limbs except I have a human nervous system. Wow I had no idea anyone else lived here I say. Me either Sapphire tells me, I have never seen you before. What are you guys doing out here anyway how did you find my bedroom Sapphire asks me? Well it is a long story but basically the scientists plan on cloning me when I turn 18 so that they can do deadly experemments on me. Lilly found out that the DNA from that marsian rock is actually from an alien race from a parallel universe and we are going to the lab to try to create a wormhole to get there, so that I can escape. For a moment Sapphire said nothing and I thought she must think that I am crazy, but. then she said that’s amazing I know we just met but could I come with you guys?

. We won’t ever be coming back Lilly told Sapphire are you sure you really want to go? I know I just met you guys and I would be leaving this universe forever but I am in a bad situation too. Dr. Johnson has a crush on me and wants to mary me when I turn 21. Oh wow I had no idea I tell Sapphire, of course you can come with us. Thank you so much I might be able to help you guys, one of the cool things about having a computer for a brain is that I know almost everything and can connect myself to technology. That will probaby come in handy I say. I tell Sapphire about my strange magic abilities and how I turn into a mermaid whenever I get wet. “We should get going if will are going to create a wormhole and be gone by the time the scientists get back” Lilly says.

. Sapphire Lilly and I walk down the hallway toward the elevator. Open I command the elevator, and the 3 of us walk inside. Take us to the lab Lilly commands and we begin to decend down many floors. Finally the elevator stops and the doors open, “you have reached your destination” the elevator says. The first thing I notice when I get out of the elevator is how large the lab is, the magnetic field coming from the walls is very faint and far away so I know the lab is big! Lilly you said that you have been doing research on wormholes and how to make one. “Yes what we need to do is apply a force field generator to a container of anti matter once the anti matter is producing a very strong magnetic field then we will put it in a partical excelerator and smash it into normal matter” Lilly said. Sapphire and I follow Lilly through a maze of lab equitment before we stop in front of a large table. I reach out and feel a huge container as well as a strange circular device. The anti matter and the force field generator Lilly explains. According to my research what you are suggesting is possible in theory but has never been attempted before Sapphire says. Yes I know Lilly says, but it is our only chance. I take the lid off of the anti matter and Sapphire says that she can connect her brain to the force field generator to activate and control it. Ok I turned on the generator Sapphire says. I realese my hands from the container and stand back, I can feel a strong magnetic wave and then I feel absolutly nothing from my electromagnetic for about a minute then things go back to normal. except for the strong magnetic field coming from the anti matter, we need take magneticaly charged anti matter over to the partical excelerator Lilly says. Sapphire and I carry the jar, careful not to bump into anything or spill anything. The partical excelorator is on the opposite side of the lab in a large open space. Sapphire and I wait for Lilly to bring the plasma powered pop up spaceship and my technology and our supplies. I got the pop up spaceship your omnapod and food, water, and emergency supplies Lilly says. Ok then Sapphire and I will pour the anti matter into the partical excelerator on this side and you can pour the regular matter in on the other side, I say. Sapphire and I lift the container into the tunnel turn it upside down. I can hear Lilly doing the same thing with the normal matter on her end.

. I feel a giant shock wave as the collision rips a whole in the fabric of our universe! I can feel the energy from the wormhole growing stronger by the moment as it gets bigger and bigger. It’s ready Sapphire tells Lilly. I have analzed the wormhole and it is stable enough to allow our spaceship to travel through Sapphire says. Lilly opens the pop up spaceship, don’t worry she says it can expand much more than this Lilly says. Sapphire and I walk over to the spaceship, Just as I am about to get on Sapphire screams help! That’s when I since it another human presence in the lab, right next to Sapphire. I run over to her and grab her hand, she is on the ground. I try to pull her to her feet but a harsh voice shouts stop! I recognize the voice it is Dr. Todd he must be back early from the confrence. I know that there is no way that I can physically over power this grown man, so I send an electromagnetic tazer like pulse at him. With. the man temporally uncouncous I help Sapphire to her feet and we run towards the spaceship. Once we are. all inside Lilly manuvers the spaceship close to the wormhole and we get sucked in!

. I can feel the change all around me in the air, I can’t beleive that we are in a different universe I say. Now that we are in space I can expand our spaceship to it’s full size Lilly says. I sense the walls of the spaceship get further away from me as the spaceship expands. So Lilly how do we get to my planet now? I ask. Well you see this is where it gets complacted I don’t know what planet you are from Lilly says.

. I figured that we should just focus on getting to another universe first and figure out how to find your planet once we got here Lilly says. This is going to take a long time I say sighing and picking up my omnapod. My omnapod is like a tablet but all of the screen is in braille and I can also control it using my voice. What we need to do is use your omnapod to analyze all of the different regions of this universe to see which ones are capable of having planets, then we need to analyze those planets to see which ones could support life, then we need to use what we no about your biology and composition to see which one of the habitable planets your DNA most likely came from.

. “Initate universe scan” I tell my omnapod. After a moment words appear on the screen, as well as a map of the universe. According to this there are three sections of this universe that have solar systems the far left region, the middle region, and the central region where we are right now I say. We need to know which region has planets made out of the same chemical compounds as your DNA Sapphire says. “Analyze all of my bio chemical tests and find the region of the universe with the highest match” I tell my omnapod. All the other regions on the map disapear except for the central regions which says 90 percent match! This is great you guys the region we are in right now is a 90 percent match to my bio chemical composition. Now I just need to enter the critiria for a habitable planet along. with my biological composition to find my home planet. I enter into my omnapod the critira for a habitable planet and re enter my bio chemical composition. The map zooms in on one planet called Mertopia and lists a bunch of other facts about it. Ok I found my planet it is called Mertopia now I just need to connect the omnapod to the spaceship so that it can program the course and directions into the spaceship. I connect the omnapod with the spaceship and it transfers the navagation directions. “Estimated time of travel 3 hours” the spaceship says, begining journey. “Amythest I think that you should amplify your electromagnetic field as we travel so that when we reach your planet you will be every to detect if there are life forms similar to yourself there” Lilly says. Great Idea I say and begin to focus on amplifying my electromagnetic field.

. We are approaching Mertopia, can you sense anything Amythest Lilly asks? Yes actually I can it is this strange electromagnetic energy that I have never felt before but it still feels somehow familar I say. Suddenly the spaceship starts going downwards at a very fast rate. Oh no we are going to crash land Lilly says. We continue free falling faster and faster I hear things sliding and falling around the spaceship. I quickly grab my omnapod to keep it safe and then carl up into a ball to prepare for impact.

. I feel a powerful shock wave as we land and then every thing goes black. When I regain councousness I have no idea where I am, the electromagnetic waves help me realize that I. am laying on a bed in some sort of bedroom. I hear the voices of two women talking, I call out to them hello where am I. Oh my she woke up one of the voices says. “Are you ok my dear” the women says. Yes I think so I mean my back hurts a lot but where am I? You are in the underwater medical wing of Rosewater castle on planet Mertopia the women says. What happened to me and where are Lilly and Sapphire I ask? Our. computer systems showed us that an unknown object had crashed near the palace so I sent people that investigate. They found you and your companions uncouncous. and brought you guys to the palace for medical care. WE ran some tests and you broke your spinal cord and suffered a concusion but other then that you are fine. The young one of your companions broke both of her knees and ankles but will also be fine. Unfortunatly your other traveling compainion suffered from a bad hit to the head and died of blood lose. What is most unusual is that your tests results show that you have our DNA overall all but have no biological parents. Where are you from and how did you get here child?

. “My name is Amythest and I was. created by scientists in another paralell universe that used alien DNA that they got from a marsian rock. I have lived my whole life in a science lab being experemented on. I have different strange magical abilities such as levitation and the ability to sense electromagnetic fields. I also do not have a sense of sight and turn into a mermaid whenever I get wet. My nurse Lilly told me that the scientists were planning to clone me on my 18 birthday so that they could do possibly deadly experments on me. Lilly told me that I had to escape to my home planet. Then I met Sapphire while I was on my way to make a wormhole to get to this universe and she wanted to come with me. Once we made it to this universe we had to use my omnapod to figure out which planet I came from. however when we were landing our spaceship crashed.

. That is the most fasinating this I have ever heard of but everything makes sense to me now, the women says. By the way my name is Jemma and I am actually the queen of Mertopia. You know all of the things that you mentioned the magic abilities, not having sight, and turning into a mermaid when you get wet are true for our people too! The only differences are that our magic abilities are like more powerful as we have been trained from a young age on how to us them, and we are from the sounds of it much more technologically advanced then the people of earth. Just then I hear the door open and sense Sapphire and another person come in. The person carring Sapphire lays her down on the bed next to me. Sapphire are you ok did they tell you anything yet, I ask. “I am fine except that I broke some bones in my legs and yes a nurse lady told me everything. So I guess we are orphans now I say. “I have been thinking a lot about that how would you like from me to adopt you, I have always wanted children” Queen Jemma says. I would appreate that very much Sapphire and I say in unisin. For a while you will both need intense care in the hospital wing, but you will recover soon I am sure. Like I said we are much more advanced then the people of earth, Queen Jemma says. When you two get better I will show and teach you all about how things work here on Mertopia just to give you some examples we live underwater but our buildings have oxegen in them. Our language is also different we communicate through mind speech and we also have tactil holograms that can materialize into words! I will tell you about everything later though for now you should get some rest, if you need anything just speak to the wall and your voice will be sent to one of the nurses brains.

. The Queen walks out of the room and shuts the door. Can you beleive this Sapphire, I say. I know this is all so much at once, we are in another universe, we crash landed on an alien world, Lilly died, we have lots of injuries, and an alien queen is going to adopt us Sapphire says. I think that Lilly would be very happy though I mean she wanted for you to find your people, and the queen says we will heal soon, Sapphire says. Yes you are right I say, we did acomplish our mission I say as I slowly drift off to sleep.



Jemma Rosewater
Jemma Rosewater

Written by Jemma Rosewater

Teen writer of various topics: poetry, sci-fi, hyperacusis, fantsay, novels, rare/chronic illness & I am an advocate for my rare pain condition hyperacusis

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